Winter 2003-Vol. 13, No.1
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Union Election Activity: Teamsters are Top Dog
Using the Walker Companies site optimization model, WISERsm, an analysis of union election activity in transportation, warehouse, and wholesale industries was completed from 1990 - 2002. The analysis reveals that the International Brotherhood of Teamsters is leading all unions in total elections in these industries during the period.

Industrial Market Bottoming Out
A 2002 Grubb & Ellis publication suggests that industrial vacancy rates are close to bottoming out. Large cutbacks in new space construction coupled with an upswing in the manufacturing sector suggest a market recovery is on the way.

Income Growth Balloon Deflating
U.S. per capita income dropped to a 10-year low in 2001. The slow-down in growth was attributed to a substantial deceleration of personal income. A map of the 50 states reveals the personal income growth rate in each state, highlighting the top and bottom four in per capita growth.

Early Childhood: Learning to Love the 800 lb. Gorilla
According to recent study, union commitment begins early in life and more specifically in the home. The report supports the perception that the process of unionization begins long before the individual reaches the workforce

The Southeastern Industrial Real Estate Market
The Southeastern Industrial Real Estate Market is analyzed by building characteristics: available square footage, average building square footage, time on the market, and those with rail service or cranes.

Right to Work States Leading the Way
The pros and cons of Right to Work are constantly debated by Big Labor and its main opponent, the National Right to Work committee. This article compares growth statistics in right to Work states versus non-right to Work states.

The Lady said, “ Show Me the Money!”
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 75 percent of women, ages 25 - 34, were part of the workforce in 2000, compared to 50 percent in 1975. Not only are more women working, but they also are catching men in terms of pay.

The Godfather and the Teamsters
A report released in October 2002 concluded that the Teamsters have cleaned up most of their organized crime past. The commissioned investigation and report chronicles the union’s history and how criminal elements began to exert their influences over the union in the early 20th century.

Safety in the Workplace: Perception vs. Reality
The 2002 Liberty Mutual Safety Index ranks the leading causes or workplace injuries based on the direct cost associated with each injury type. Comparing this data with the results from the 2001 Liberty Mutual Executive Survey of Workplace Safety helps highlight an interesting phenomenon. Executive perception of the main causes of injury in the workplace differs significantly from reality.