Fall 2000-Vol. 10, No.2
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Where are you in the Real Estate Cycle?
An examination of the four distinct phases of the real estate market, and how investors act in each phase of the real estate cycle.

Show me the Labor
By using a labor commute analysis (completed with the WISERsm site selection optimization model) site selectors can profile their potential work force in any user-defined labor market.

Report Card for the States
The Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) grades the economic development climate in each state.

The Site Selection Process: It’s not all on the Internet
Site selection decisions based on data on the Internet exposes the corporate user to significant risk. The Walker Companies’ WISERsm site selection optimization model eliminates many of these risks and allows access to data on costs and operating environment at the city or county level.

The Southeastern Industrial Real Estate Market
The Southeastern Industrial Real Estate Market is analyzed by building characteristics: available square footage, average building square footage, age, and other variables.

How Low Can You Go
Since 1986, union membership as a percent of wage and salary employment has declined. This article presents statistics on membership levels over time, by sector of the economy.

The Sun Belt Shines
A region-by-region comparison of union membership levels.